is a voxel drawing program implemented on the bitcoin cash blockchain.
it is powered by the blockparty wallet.
there are 2563 possible positions and 255 colors to choose from :)
for every 51 blocks you have queued for sync there is 1 transaction
for every transaction there is a fee of 1000 satoshis.
wasd + qe to move fast (as long as key is pressed you'll move)
ijkl + uo to move slow (every time you tap a key you'll move)
c to select color, just click on what color you'd like
C to use color picker, just position cursor over color you want
left mouse button to place blocks, to overwrite a block you must erase
right mouse button to erase a block
ctrl+s to sync changes (this shares your work with the world)
ctrl+z to undo last change (hold to keep applying)
h to show this help pane
H to toggle showing instructions in corner